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Gaby's Case Study Workout - Ten years Younger. Two Week Countdown

July 22, 2020

Gaby's Case Study Workout - Ten years Younger. Two Week Countdown

Metrics aside, I am feeling better. Flatter stomach, a feeling of energy moving upwards in the body which has also improved posture. And extra strength to draw from, which affects even the most mundane daily tasks. My skin seems clearer in the face, smoother and more taught around the body.

Some altitude training, with a 50km ride through the Tramuntana Mountains, revealed a distinct lack of stamina though. We followed with a 50km coastal ride the next day.

These were my 8-week goals - I only have two weeks left.

• Chest - plus 2” - target achieved
• Upper arms - plus 1”
• Waist - minus 1”
• 5k run – minus 2 minutes
• Body fat % - below 20% - target achieved

Progress Report


Week 1

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8









Upper Arms














5k Run

25m 15s

23m 50s

 23m 55s



22m 59s

Total Fat %







Chest –
This has responded well and has passed target. Gaby has commented not to go oversize here as it would also mean new shirts!

Upper Arms - Luke told me his secret to bigger arms are in the triceps around the back, more so than the biceps. But these seem slow to respond, and without using a lead hairdryer during the day I’m going to have to put more daily effort into proper arm exercises.

Waist – None of my trousers have ever said 35” but that’s what the tape measure is saying (down from 36” last month) and I don’t think I’m squeezing into them. Maybe something will happen in these last two weeks.

5k Run – Steady but no progress since last week.

Body Fat % - I’m using smart body fat scales which blue-tooth into a Feelfit phone app giving data on weight, bone mass, muscle mass, body fat and separately – the visceral fat is down to 6% now. Subcutaneous fat is at 13.6%. I don't imagine I'll shed weight overall, as muscle weighs about 25% more than fat. I’m expecting be a few pounds heavier.

The humble press-up is a great all-rounder that can be performed almost anywhere. There are many variations that target different muscle groups. We covered two versions in a previous blog, here are 4 more.

1. Swiss ball press-up: Muscle groups – Chest, triceps, deltoids, abs.

Place arms on ball slightly further than shoulder width apart. Lower your body down keeping core engaged. Exhale as you press upwards to return. Ball should be stable. This exercise targets the arms and chest, but the effort to stay on the moveable ball brings in many other muscle groups including core, to stabilise the body.

2. Swiss ball jack knife to press-up: Muscle groups – Chest, shoulders, triceps, abs, hip flexors, glutes.

With hands under shoulder, place insteps on Swiss ball. Hold body in a straight line then draw yours knees in towards chest. Return to start position and perform press-up keeping feet stable on the ball. Repeat.

3. Triceps press-up: Muscle groups – Triceps, shoulders, core.

The arms are closer together than with a traditional press-up and are kept tight to the body as you come down and press back up.

4. Press-up with claps: Muscle groups – chest, shoulders, triceps.

Perform as you would a normal press-up but with explosive strength on the upward push, to give enough height to clap and land with elbows bent, as gently as possible. Impressive when done well, in the old days I could run off ten of these and even throw in two claps on a few of them. I managed one this time, and on the second one my arms just went to jelly on landing leaving me in a heap. Need more practice.

Related links

Gaby’s Case Study Workout – Ten Years Younger

Gaby’s Case Study – Ten Years Younger – Week 3

Gaby’s Case Study – Ten Years Younger – Week 4

Gaby’s Case Study – Ten Years Younger – Week 5

 Michael Van Clarke

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